White space

Saturday, January 18, 2014 by Unknown
The calm pasture that directs your attention to that one tree. The expanse of the deep blue sky, in which your eyes desperately seek a cloud. The enormous seascape in which you look for an island to hang on to.

White Space.

For people who live their lives in the middle of a city, it's hard to visualize anything but noise and pattern. Even chaos is more appealing, than an empty area. 

I sometimes feel that white space is a play on the latent agoraphobia in the human psyche. And shadows, the need for touch. So, in an antiseptic urban world where people cling tenaciously onto their comfort zone, it's very difficult to push out ideas that are crisp, clean and subtle. 

Like the way words play with emotions and silence accentuates sound, design plays on the psychology of a person. It's a simple enough philosophy, which is very hard to combine and express in equal parts in a compelling way. To convince someone of these factors... well, it's easier to just go with the flow instead of saying, "trust me on this."

In the midst of urban MalĂ©, I carry a white space with me. It's not easy to reduce the thousands of thoughts to distill out only the essential, to analyze the distillate and to devise an action to it. There are long periods of waiting, watching, waiting. 

You don't have to fill in every moment, every space. Absence speaks too. 
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013 by Unknown
Have you ever been so full of ideas that you start dreaming about projects you could actually do, instead of the gigantic project that you're stuck in?

I had a crazy dream last night, where I was conducting an orchestra. It's one of my life's ambitions, yes, but to actually see that in a dream is unimaginably powerful. I woke up humming the bit of music I was conducting, and recorded it with my phone before I forget it.

This isn't the first time something like that has happened to me. I'd seen dreams of me finishing that elusive masterpiece of a painting or some other piece of art. It's like as if my brain's taunting me: look at all the things you are good at, but you can't do because you haven't got the means to.

Then on the other hand, I feel good that my brain reminds me that I'm good at nearly everything I try to do.

Except touch typing.

Anyway, it's great that I'm finally moving on from what seemed to me to have been one of the most uninspiring periods of my life so far.

I've always thought that living in the Maldives was probably the most mind-numbing uninspiring things one can do. After all, how many shades of blue are there anyway? There is only one museum, the contents of which were destroyed, one palace which is out of bounds, and thousands of buildings which reflect nothing but the social stratification of our pitiful little community.

Last night though, I realized that because our culture is so forgotten and inaccessible, people here have to either import inspiration, or have to come up with their own magical version of what they feel.


Sitting in my apartment all day long reading documentation on software, today, my bored mind stumbled upon the hidden spring of creativity hidden behind a crate of guilt labelled, "I should be doing something practical to survive, instead of wasting my time risking everything for a dream that may or may not come true".

So this is my day today.
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010 by Unknown
Dark skies and muddy streets
empty reflections in puddles
between a bridge.
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010 by Unknown
From beyond the clouds dripped bright sunlight
Through the leaves from between the branches
Onto the grey dappled gold clobblestones
Over which a thousand footfalls and wheels alike run
Tirelessly, endlessly, without pause for reflection
On the unearthly beauty and wonder await
For the mortal eye to behold and cherish.
The roses and stones alike stand by watching
The folly of mankind in a rat’s race
For a prize so complex and pointless
A neverending cycle of meaningless toil
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Vym - Floating

Saturday, June 12, 2010 by Unknown
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Going green.

Thursday, April 15, 2010 by Unknown
I really like the paragraph in this article about Puma planning to stop using cardboard boxes for their shoes.
"Sustainability is not only absolutely necessary considering the situation our planet is in, we as companies are also overdue to take responsibility," Zeitz said. "We can't wait for governments. Companies have to lead the way and we want to be among the leaders."
I often wonder about all the packaging. If you walk into any store, you'll find tons of plastic going on everywhere. The most wasteful packages I found were in Meat Plus, Ameenee Magu, that has 15 gram jam jars, made of glass and iron, similar to the bottles of Purity baby food, but even smaller. More than one serving probably is in the jar, but then you have the packs of single serving jam pouches as well stacked in the freezer.

People, please...
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Root Cause

Sunday, April 11, 2010 by Unknown
"I hate you because you believe in different things than me. I hate you because you are stubbornly clinging onto your beliefs instead of choosing to believe in what I believe. I hate you because you are popular amongst the people who share your belief. I hate you and I want to have nothing to do with you, and I might consider killing you because of what you believe in."

I think we all need to identify the root cause of the above expressions and prevent this sort of thinking from causing secondary problems.
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Tension Headache

Sunday, March 28, 2010 by Unknown
Aching neck, nausea
I've got a diving mask on my face
It feels rubbery all around
I feel like throwing up.

Tylenol to the rescue!
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Really Reality

Friday, March 19, 2010 by Unknown
When you dream, you can't read.
And yet, most of the blogs I read
Are written while dreaming.
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March is Spaghetti

Friday, March 12, 2010 by Unknown
Either the srting theory just putrified, or the world lost a lot of angular momentum during February. In any case, March seems to last forever.

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