Unbroken Line

Sunday, January 11, 2009 by Unknown
Seconds and Years pass, and we continue to celebrate one after the other. Yet, we are ordered by religion not to observe the passage of time in the cycles of years, rather, hold things in perspective, as a continued existence, and I believe in that particular philosophy.

Not that I don't feel like enjoying the revelry.

When you tend to hold time as one entire lifetime, I feel that things get easier to hold, in perspective… that we don't get so caught up in the moment that we feel like as if we'll life forever… rather, that we'll die one day, and thus live life like there really is no certainty of whether tomorrow will happen or not… whether the alarm on your phone really is going to go off or not.

I think that is what religion is trying to say… there is no time for you to be uncertain… there really is only one uncertainty. Take your decisions now… and not taking a decision is also a decision… the poorest one at that, because you're waiting for something to happen, to change the circumstances, and therefore, the consequences of your decision.
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